Sunday, April 26, 2009

China Censors Obama's Speech

Did you know that parts of Obama's inauguration speech were censored in China?

That's right.  The Chinese media seemed to cut out parts of Obama's speech that referred to "facing down fascism and communism" and "silencing of dessent."  

In fact, in this clip from CNN, CCTV news reporters seemed to grow silent and cut back to the studio once they reach the part in Obama's speech about "facing down communism."

It's an interesting clip; take a moment to look at it!

What are your thoughts in general about China's censorship laws?  Do you feel like they are protecting their citizens or hurting them?  I want to hear your thoughts, so comment away!

Until next time,


CSA e-board 2009-2010

Congrats to the newly elected members of CSA's 2009-2010 e-board:

The 2008-2009 CSA Executive Board

Co-Presidents: Steve To & Helen Wu
Vice President: Chen Chen
Treasurer: Ernie Huang
Secretary: Kaisi Guo
Culture Chair: Naomi Yu
AHANA Caucus Rep: Lisa Mao
Political and Educational Officer: Jennifer Chen

Public Relations Chair: TBA!