Thursday, September 24, 2009

China Commemorates Sixty Years

The People’s Republic of China (not to be confused with the Republic of China, which is also known as Taiwan) is celebrating its 60th anniversary on October 1st. As the government prepares for the festivities and events during the National Day, hundreds of thousands from all over the country are also preparing to fly out to Beijing to commemorate sixty years under the new republic.

China’s plans for the festivities are elaborate and even include an elaborate military parade. As the largest military parade in history, government officials plan on showcasing “their newest weaponry as well as the usual tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, missiles, attack planes, bombers and helicopters.” President Hu Jintao has also commissioned an extra long stretch limousine, 19 feet long, for the festivities. Rehearsals for the parades have already started and the training for security personnel is said to be close to Olympic proportions.

Pre-Holiday rush at Changsha Railway Station in Changsha, China (From

Some scholars, like Zhou Xiaozheng (a professor at People’s University in Beijing), believe that specific plans, such as the military parade, are over the top and show-off too much military might in an age that is supposed to be characterized by cooperation and peace. Others say that these plans are perfectly appropriate for a celebration of a country’s development and growth, especially when such a large part has come from new direction and innovation in the nation’s State Department.

What are your thoughts on China’s plans for the 60th anniversary? Are they too grand and unnecessary? Should China celebrate its nation’s anniversary in a more reserved manner and not one that is boastful? Or do you see their celebration as a way to bring their citizens together and be proud of the achievements of their nation?

Thanks and until next time,


For more information, check out the following:

L.A. Times:
