Sunday, September 16, 2007


WELCOME to the CLASS OF 2011!!!!!!! (out of curiosity, what do you guys say? "Oh eleven!" or "ee-lev-un!" lol. i personally like the last. but anyway...)

I hope you guys are having a blast at BC so far. We have so many events planned to make your experience even better than (hopefully) it already is. FROSH WELCOME THIS WEDNESDAY the 19th! 8PM IN THE O'CONNELL HOUSE on UPPER! I can't wait to meet each and everyone one of you! But until then, why not facebook us and get to know us? :) I promise we're really friendly people and no one will scare you away. except for steve...he's kinda weird actually. yea.

I KIDDD. But really, come out to our events. It's a great way to meet people, make new friends, etc., and you already know we'll have a good time. See you all soon!

xo- your CSA treasurer,