I'm Angel, the webmistress, I'm in charge of creating and maintaining the CSA website. If I haven't met you yet please introduce yourself! I can't guarantee that I'll remember you the first time but I will remember you...eventually.
To everyone who came out to our Freshmen Welcome, a big thank you! It was great to see such a huge turnout for a first event. But that was only the beginning and we've definitely got bigger and better things planned for the year. Such as...
CSA and VSA proudly present...

Our co-sponsored event with the Vietnamese Students' Association will be held this Wednesday 9.26.07 in Edmonds 1st Floor Lounge at 6pm!!! and includes storytelling, free mooncakes and green tea, and best of all...lantern making! We'll teach you everything you need to know, so don't worry if you're bad at arts and crafts.
See you all there!
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